"Eric, your playing skills are being improved every day. Good performance, and good preset." - Buggins
Thanks! I've been playing a little more lately, and I'm trying to consciously control my vibrato rate and depth. I don't know how anyone plays without an active tuner, particularly a cappella - I've been told that I have a good ear, but it's not good enough to do that. But others have just the opposite strongly held opinions / observations, that the ear is faster and more accurate than the eye, so maybe the truth is somewhere in-between, or maybe I'm dead wrong here.
And I'm somewhat crappier if I turn off the pitch correction. I think a fair amount of the amazement people have for certain Thereminists is due to the exactness of their pitch during performance, and not their playing style so much. But a lot of this can be "improved" with correction (live on stage, and certainly in the studio) which makes me wonder how many actually do? Pitch correction is a super natural thing to put in a Theremin, it really belongs there IMO, and I wouldn't fault anyone for using it. Given the choice, I'd rather hear overly correct pitch than overly incorrect pitch (particularly when it comes to Theremins).
"Is this preset based on excitation + filter?"
Yes, it's Roger's Patsy preset with lowered formants:

I also reduced the oscillator filter vmod a bit (24 => 17) to make volume shaping less "wa-wa" sounding.