Good to be here

Posted: 10/20/2008 1:07:32 PM

Joined: 10/20/2008

I just picked up a Gakken mini-theremin at the Maker Faire in Austin TX, an event I recommend to anyone if you live near one of the locations.

I have searched and found a couple good threads on this unit, but I look forward to getting some advice on using and possibly modding it. (adding a line out jack for starters)

I recently visited the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting in Minneapolis (which I also highly recommend) and they have a Theremin on display, after trying that one out I am excited to explore the instrument myself.

Finally, a question, does a recording exist of the Bach 2-Part Invention being played on 2 Theremins, or perhaps one artist double-tracked? I would be interested to hear that attempted.
Posted: 10/21/2008 7:09:13 AM
Jeff S

From: N.E. Ohio

Joined: 2/14/2005

"Finally, a question, does a recording exist of the Bach 2-Part Invention being played on 2 Theremins, or perhaps one artist double-tracked? I would be interested to hear that attempted."

Not that I'm aware of.

I do not have access to versions of all of them, but the ones I do have seem completely inappropriate as fodder for the theremin. They were clearly composed for playing on an instrument with speed and articulation, such as the harpsichord.

Even "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" from Cantata 147 would pose a challenge even though it would be far more appropriate.

Peter Pringle has recorded a few theremin pieces layered with multiple theremins although they are not readily available to the public.
Posted: 10/21/2008 8:52:26 AM

From: Kingston, NY

Joined: 2/13/2005

Welcome To ThereminWorld robsmithtx!

I couldn't find any either.

Kevin Kissinger has done some astounding multi track all theremin recordings of Bach (Ricercare from The Musical Offering) and Frank (Prelude, Fugue, and Variation)
but not the two part inventions.

I remember Ann Cantelow doing some multi track Bach, but I could not find it now.

Chances are Charles Lester and Elliot Fintushel may have performed them (they've both done advanced Bach pieces), but there are no recordings around online either.

So... robsmithtx... maybe... why not do it?
It might take awhile but would be a great goal to work towards if you are just starting. You might want an instrument a bit more complete than the Gakken for it. In any event please keep us posted and do feel free to try the search or posting other questions here.


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