Let's Design and Build a (mostly) Digital Theremin!

Posted: 3/11/2020 6:23:15 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

Apey Birthday!

Posted: 3/12/2020 4:36:15 AM

From: 60 Miles North of San Diego, CA

Joined: 10/1/2014



Posted: 3/12/2020 12:22:35 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012


Thanks for the interest folks!

Posted: 3/15/2020 9:40:57 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

Hum Along With Herman

Humming seems to be mostly just turning off the mouth formants and turning up the throat radiation.  Here's a male vocal preset altered to do humming:

0_FORM is the throat radiation, 1_FORM and 2_FORM have been turned off (levl=0), and 3_FORM has a new extra nasal formant @ 4067Hz. 

You can listen to the results here: [MP3] - I think I probably made it too nasal sounding.  One of the tricks you can use to help dial in a human vocal is to get the humming sounding right and then add the mouth formants.

I also renamed the pitch correction UI page CORRECT => EZ-PITCH.  "EZ Tune" and variants were already taken by assorted musical and non-musical apps, and I think using the word "pitch" here is probably more appropriate, as "tune" could apply to aligning the axes, and we don't want to confuse things.

I also swapped the UI pages RESON and PV_FMOD to locate PV_FMOD an equal distance both ways between the two most distant things it influences (FLT_OSC on one end and 3_FORM on the other).

Posted: 3/15/2020 10:22:48 PM

From: 60 Miles North of San Diego, CA

Joined: 10/1/2014

I guess I will get on board, dewster that was really good......... please don't put me in the corn field.


Posted: 3/16/2020 5:35:10 AM

From: Porto, Portugal

Joined: 3/16/2017

Thanks for the interest folks!


Posted: 3/16/2020 3:35:02 PM

From: Theremin Motherland

Joined: 11/13/2005

I guess I will get on board, dewster that was really good......... please don't put me in the corn field. - oldtemecula

Posted: 3/16/2020 6:19:34 PM

From: 60 Miles North of San Diego, CA

Joined: 10/1/2014

ILYA, you have a good sense of humor, not like the stiff Germans. Glad to have you aboard D-Lev Airlines, next stop the unknown.

Posted: 3/16/2020 8:52:17 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

D-Lib Touchups

When you start to use things is when you find all the weaknesses.  I found myself missing the ability to directly upload and download preset slots between the editor and D-Lev, without having to go through file storage first, so I put that feature back in the librarian.

Did a bunch of command renaming as well, everything is now pretty much *to* with e=editor, f=file, s=slot, l=list.  The commands between editor and files need to differentiate between voice and system presets (the editor can hold both simultaneously, and a preset file can be either).  All others are automatically determined by the slot number (>99 are system, else voice).

Roger pointed me to the Creality Ender-3 3D printer [LINK] so I ordered that yesterday.  Today I ordered some 1.75mm gray PLA+ filament to get my feet wet, will probably order some black PETG once I get the hang of things.

I hope to print things like antenna sockets with integrated coil forms, and maybe LCD / LED bezels and internal standoffs and such.

Posted: 3/17/2020 8:54:17 PM

From: Germany

Joined: 8/30/2014

A German made a whole song about damn corn fields (cognate anyway), I don't know what you're talking about! People seemed very much amused by it! (...depending on ethanol blood levels...)

The humming isn't bad.
When I hum, I sense something going on in the nose region, and how would not now, that the bigger opening is shut.
Maybe adding some nose resonances, if you found what they are, to make it closer?
I guess the nose part is a part of the normal formants, so only a part of them gets shut off when the mouth closes...?

Have you recorded yourself doing "mmmmmmaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa", while retaining everything in the vocal tract the same on the M as in the A, just closing the mouth as the difference - okay, that doesn't work perfectly, but close. Probably better when humming @ a very comfortable, "your default" as it were, pitch, and the only thing you do between M and A is let the jaw drop straight down, nothing else. That will be more difficult if you have a not enough relaxed setup for your phonation, which is more likely if you choose a pitch too far from the most relaxed speaking sound - or if you have a vocal habit of always raising or somehow arresting the larynx even on normally comfortable pitches (some people do have an overly strenuous speaking technique...)

Ok long story short, what's the spectral difference doing that vs. what your synth does?
Also, say "aaaah" (and now, spit!) and alternate between pinching your nostrils shut vs. leaving them alone.
Can you, of both of that, determine what the nose's spectral contribution for humming roughly would be?
(I guess one alters more than one would like here when doing that, for measuring I mean, but... IDK)

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