"I would rather a little levity than a surplus of gravitas." - GordonC
ROFL ;-) - Brilliant reply Gordon!
The "Gravitas" problem could be counteracted by adding even more "levity" - And could have a side effect of making performance even more entertaining..
Please note the use of anti-gravitas devices..

Any similarity of the above person to any real or fictional person, or to any member or ex-member of Levnet or TW, is entirely unintentional! ;-)
"Most non-experimentalists tolerate experimental music strictly because it is the politically correct thing to do." - Coalport
I cannot stay silent on this - but its not a fight I want to engage in, simply because, as a probably non-existant entity, I dont see the point.. ;-)
I think you have the bloody "right" to say " I tolerate experimental music strictly because it is the politically correct thing to do." or " I dont tolerate experimental music strictly because it is the politically incorrect thing to do." or "I like experimental music" or "I dislike experimental music"..
But to say "Most non-experimentalists .. blah blah " is outrageously presumptuous - What, anyway, is a "non-experimentalist" ? -- Well, thinking about what might be a shorter word which is synonomous, "bore" comes to mind.
I like some "classical" I like some "pop" and I like some "experimental" - likewise I dislike some of each .. (but that, of course, is utterly and entirely irrelevant.. ;-)
I really doubt that "political correctness" has much, if anything to do with proclaimed "likes" or "dislikes" - Perhaps a small minority of geeks have this influencing them (and by geek here, I am also talking about those suit+tie opera goers without a musical neurone between their ears, as much as the poor brain-dead wanna-be who sits listening to some appalling experimental noise... But at least the geek subjected to the experimental noise is more likely to be partially anaethesised by mind altering substances..... Or am I here showing my ignorance about what actually goes on among opera devotees ? ;-) .. But I dont believe "most" people are these kind of "geeks".
Then again, that is also entirely irreklevant (or whatever) as I dont believe anything..