Entry level theremin?

Posted: 7/17/2010 8:28:58 PM

From: Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, UK

Joined: 10/5/2005

"Unfortunately, the MIDI Ethervox is able to do things that no MIDI module or receiver is sophisticated enough to follow because most such devices are made to be triggered by a keyboard."

Which means you can't actually achieve much with them?

I'd love to learn a bit about the other modes. They sound intriguing.
Posted: 7/17/2010 8:38:21 PM

From: Melbourne, Australia

Joined: 7/15/2010

FredM writes:

[i]I think one can conclude that the G2M requires 2 cycles of the incoming signal to determine its pitch.. this is the same latency as the Moog pitch-CV converter in the EW+ [/i]

oh so the EW+ CV out is done by pitch to CV?
Posted: 7/17/2010 9:29:54 PM

From: Colmar, France

Joined: 12/31/2007

Yes, this is what distinguishes the EX+ from the EW Standard:

+ Pitch CV out
+ Volume CV out
+ Gate out

These signals are generated as described in this document (http://www.moogmusic.com/manuals/HotRodEtherwav.pdf) on pages 13 to 15
Posted: 7/17/2010 9:30:11 PM

From: Eastleigh, Hampshire, U.K. ................................... Fred Mundell. ................................... Electronics Engineer. (Primarily Analogue) .. CV Synths 1974-1980 .. Theremin developer 2007 to present .. soon to be Developing / Trading as WaveCrafter.com . ...................................

Joined: 12/7/2007

[i]"oh so the EW+ CV out is done by pitch to CV?"[/i]

Oh yes! - I have not actually seen the innards of the EW+, but my understanding is that it is an EW Standard with some modifications to improve linearity, and with Moog's Pitch to CV board (which is fully documented in the Etherwave technical "bible" here (http://www.element-14.com/community/docs/DOC-16859/l/hotrodetherwavpdf) it is an add-on board fitted inside the EW.

The same basic concept is used in pitch-MIDI converters.. except that the time for waveform period is usually computed digitally with these.
Posted: 7/17/2010 9:33:06 PM

From: Eastleigh, Hampshire, U.K. ................................... Fred Mundell. ................................... Electronics Engineer. (Primarily Analogue) .. CV Synths 1974-1980 .. Theremin developer 2007 to present .. soon to be Developing / Trading as WaveCrafter.com . ...................................

Joined: 12/7/2007


Thierry - You stalking me again ?? ;-)

[b] Edit [/b] (online conversation mode with Thierry) ..

Thanks for that info on the EW's..

Stalking ?.. Hmm .. looks more like me stalking you! ;-)
Posted: 7/17/2010 9:33:53 PM

From: Colmar, France

Joined: 12/31/2007


The EW+ is as linear es the newer EW Standards. The oscillator section has not been modified.

Both are more linear than older EWs due to the use of other 3 Pi wound linearization coils with lesser capacitance.

Stalking??? No! For sure!
Posted: 7/18/2010 2:26:07 AM

From: Melbourne, Australia

Joined: 7/15/2010

Ah ha! This looks like a good deal:
EW+ on Ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/Moog-Etherwave-Plus-Theremin-Pitch-Volume-CV-Output-NEW-/370409022014?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item563e19223e)

Any problem with using a 240v to 110v step down
with the Etherwave power supply? I can get a step down that just passes the ground pin though with appropriate plug and socket.
Posted: 7/18/2010 4:27:13 AM

From: Colmar, France

Joined: 12/31/2007

As I wrote before, those step down transformers aren't suited for theremins. Although the EW is less sensitive to certain dirty effects than the B3 I'd consider buying either the 240V version immediately or a second original power supply from Moog with 240V, so you'd have both and could travel around the world without worries.
Posted: 7/18/2010 5:17:10 AM

From: Melbourne, Australia

Joined: 7/15/2010

I've ordered a 110v Etherwave Plus.
I couldn't find such a good deal on a 240v.
I'll try a step down transformer. If it isn't satisfactory in my environment then I'll get a Moog 240V power supply.
Posted: 7/18/2010 1:28:12 PM

From: Hampshire, UK

Joined: 4/24/2009


Woah woah woah, the EW+ is more linear than the EW standard that came before it? I never knew this! :P

I have an EW standard, I bought it and a couple of months later the EW+ was on the scene. Typical.
Are you saying it's more linear than the one I have? Or are you referring to an even older version?

I would really like to have the CV/Gate outputs, less for synths (since I don't have any!) and more for feeding into an Arduino or computer. But that's just messing around so it hasn't been a good enough reason for me to drop the cash on one.

If they're more linear than the one I have then that's a better incentive. :D

Do you know how much more linear it is? I mean, does it make much difference when playing or is it more of a technicality?

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