Let's Design and Build a (mostly) Digital Theremin!

Posted: 1/5/2025 10:57:01 AM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"Squeak noise : I mean a funny noise similar to what you get when you touch the volume antenna on analog theremins, but much lower volume."  - André

This is new to me.  Does it happen when you touch one of the antennas, or instead at a specific volume or pitch, or perhaps location in one of the fields?  Could you provide a video of it happening?

"At the output of the 5V supply : 5.04V and 0,44 A."

This is normal.

"At the main board : 4,92V. This means a voltage drop of 0.12V and a cable resistance of 0.27 ohm."

This is excellent.

"Ripple voltage of 40mV at 200Hz approx. Complex wave form. Other frequencies are present but I couldn't identify them."

I would guess this is from the USB source?  200Hz seems like a rather low switching frequency though?

"1.4Vpp, limits 0.6V and 2V, clean sine wave for both."

Seems a bit small and offset towards ground, but your 1x scope probe is most likely contributing to both.

"800kHz for pitch and 1280kHz for volume."

This is normal when the coils are swapped.

"With this kind of probe, directly connected to the 1 Mohm - 25 pf input + 50 pF cable, the c-divider signal must be inaccurate."

Yes, even a 10x probe loads down the "C divider" point somewhat.  You can work it backwards knowing the probe impedance to some degree, but in general the strong electric field in the region confounds precise measurement.

"I'm thinking of buying a OWON SDS1102 or similar. Any advice ?"

After reading some of the Amazon reviews I'd go with "or similar". ;-)  The input sensitivity doesn't look the best, and the internal digital noise looks pretty bad.  Not sure who is designing test equipment lately, but internal switching supplies can spray the guts with crazy amounts of noise.  I had to return a UNI-T function generator (of all things) due to this.

I own a Rigol DS1054Z and it covers the basics well.  I really do like it, but the FFT isn't as useful as I'd hoped, the inexplicably non-detented multi-function encoder is a constant source of minor frustration, and many times the UI stymies me to the point where I can't figure out how to enter certain modes or display certain measurements.  A touch screen could go a really long way to cleaning up the UI.  The vast majority of the time 2 channels are sufficient, and 4 are overkill, particularly on this low end.  I'd say look at Rigol and Siglent (never played with Siglent myself but from a distance the knobs and buttons look cleaner) offerings and see what folks over at EEVblog are recommending these days.

"Of course you can post a couple of pictures on the D-Lev site! Thanks for that!"

Will do, thank you!

Posted: 1/5/2025 1:05:12 PM

From: 30 km south of Paris (France)

Joined: 12/23/2022

"800kHz for pitch and 1280kHz for volume."

This is normal when the coils are swapped.

Did I do that ?
I put the 1mH coil for volume and 2mH for pitch.
In fact I didn't find an information about which goes where in the documentation.I didn't try that hard actually.
I simply decided when I saw Len Sherman's D-Lev pictures.
Anyway, it works. Is there an interest in swapping back ?

Thanks for your advice about my future oscilloscope.

Posted: 1/5/2025 2:31:39 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"Is there an interest in swapping back ?"  - André

The very latest FPGA load places them at the center of their operating frequencies at boot, but that should be close enough for a quick lock regardless.  I'd leave them be unless you run into problems.

Posted: 1/5/2025 3:18:55 PM

From: 30 km south of Paris (France)

Joined: 12/23/2022

My FPGA was loaded by Gerbold two months ago, so I'm sure I don't have the last version.

I suppose you are referring to this message : http://www.thereminworld.com/forums/T/28554?post=224358#224358
Could there be a locking problem with the last version and swapped coils (because of shrinked lock range and center frequency being off center ?

Well... I like things to be in good order, so I'm probably going to swap them anyway.
It's easy to do. The coils are mechanically identical and I can desolder the wires without even dismounting the AFEs.

Posted: 1/5/2025 4:06:16 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"I suppose you are referring to this message" - André


"Could there be a locking problem with the last version and swapped coils (because of shrinked lock range and center frequency being off center ?"

If you're seeing ~800kHz and ~1.2MHz then you're golden.  The build parameters two DPLLs just happen to work out to the same construct, so swapping the coils shouldn't be a big deal.  At one point I was actually suggesting this to the kit owners if they were running into pitch field AM broadcast interference.

Posted: 1/5/2025 4:11:21 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012


Gregoire's D-Lev vocal trio (plus all the backing!):

Posted: 1/5/2025 5:07:55 PM

From: 30 km south of Paris (France)

Joined: 12/23/2022

This guy is incredible.
Do you know which presets he is using ?
May be he made his own...

Posted: 1/5/2025 8:11:45 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"This guy is incredible."  - André

I agree!  Really knows his way around the Theremin and many other instruments, as well as video editing software.  I've been following him since he was an amazing kid playing the saw and Theremin.

"Do you know which presets he is using ?"

No, sorry, though my guess is that they're stock.

Posted: 1/8/2025 2:41:53 PM

From: 30 km south of Paris (France)

Joined: 12/23/2022

I just received my new scope. I choose a "or similar", a Siglent SDS1102CML+. 
Thanks for the advice, Eric. I should have done that earlier. It changes my life !

About my D-Lev again.
I swapped the coils.
Pitch : 1 370 kHz, 2,35 Vpp, from 0.4 to 2.75V.
Volume : 900 kHz, 2,00 Vpp, from 0.6 to 2.6V.

The 10x probe makes the difference, probably.
And my old scope has never been calibrated since 1975.

The D-Lev is still working fine after the operation.
No adjustments were necessary.

Posted: 1/8/2025 3:30:24 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"I just received my new scope. I choose a "or similar", a Siglent SDS1102CML+.  Thanks for the advice, Eric. I should have done that earlier. It changes my life !"  - André

There's nothing like a new scope! :-)

"Pitch : 1 370 kHz, 2,35 Vpp, from 0.4 to 2.75V.
Volume : 900 kHz, 2,00 Vpp, from 0.6 to 2.6V."


"Squeak noise : I mean a funny noise similar to what you get when you touch the volume antenna on analog theremins, but much lower volume."

Did you ever figure out what was causing this?

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