Thanks for sharing your work Evan! Theremin oscillators are a fun to research.
Couldn't have done it without you, obviously.
As another data point you might take the pitch coil out of your D-Lev kit, it's 1mH @ 10ohms DCR. Or I could make another one for you.
Already done
That was how I verified that it was the inductor causing the attenuated swing on the oscillator and not something like ESD or a misplaced resistor. Image 5 in the 'scope captures' album is the oscillator with the D-Lev coil, compare it to image 6.
By the way, my D-Lev now has a Coilcraft in place of your air coil (sorry - i'll swap it back soon!) - and spoiler alert, it works fine, though I believe you include Q as a firmware parameter so I'm sure it could work better. But per your experiments I'm sure it's subject to the same issue as the Harrison so I'm on the hunt for the 'best possible' inductor in the right form factor - willing to compromise and experiment re: size. Nonetheless, still more viable given that the D-Lev takes 5 seconds to tune rather than 5 minutes.
BTW, I was able to hit what I felt was a comfortable balance between drift and oscillator voltage by going to 4.7K on R1/R24/R36. The instrument doesn't stay in tune over long periods, but I don't hear moment-to-moment pitch drift like in the video. I think the next step is probably to set up a long-term scope capture to measure frequency over time, if only to figure out which oscillator is drifting and by how much.
Just empirically, I'll probably also just order all the 1812 inductors I can find and swap them in and out until one of them works better than what I've got. I think if I looked a bit harder I could find something a little closer to ideal. At least get a comparison between iron and ferrite.
Also, the Harrison uses plates, so the oscillators are expecting somewhat more intrinsic and mutual C than usual.
Yep, although the design lets you compensate for the antenna geometry by changing the value of C14, so frequency-matching the oscillators is trivial. Though I expect the distance-to-pitch relationship has been tuned for the 8x5" plate design. If you have any suggestions for components to adjust to reshape that curve, let me know, I'm getting pretty good at swapping out 0603 resistors with 2-3 mm of iron clearance.

I'm beginning to bump up against the limits of ngspice as a purely command-line interface, I like working with plain text but it takes me hours to figure out how to actually probe the parts of the circuit that I want to look at. I probably will need to switch to something with a usable GUI. (And LTSpice doesn't fall into that category IMO, haha. Qucs-S looks promising.)
I think this design works really nicely with a small antenna in the near-field, as it can be played with primarily finger-based movements rather than wrist-based movements, sitting at a desk. Not so good for grand articulations, but I'm not sure any other theremin can make that claim.
I'm also wondering if 12-layer PCB inductors might be a cheap and more-widely-available substitute for the designs that use pi-wound inductors; they're coreless if not as compact, and should be cheaply manufacturable for the foreseeable future, regardless of the whims of the market. Carl Bugeja has an open-source design that could presumably be expanded to 1mH without too much trouble. Though I'm aware you'll run into the expected issues with mutual C, and that everything is a compromise compared to an air coil.
If I do another analog theremin design I assume I could make it compatible with my existing board shape and form factor - I may pull in some of the elements from the analog theremin master thread. But I'd like to get this as good as it can be first.