Hi Jason,
Sorry, but I am having problems with messaging..
I got a message from Gxxx (I will not disclose who, but they will recognise themselves if they read this), but could only see the first line in Explorer 8.0.600.18702 (the latest version that runs with XP) - clicking on the message did not open it.
I then tried using Google Chrome (latest version - I will provide details if you want - but cannot now as I risk losing this) - This opened the message, but nothing appears to happen when I click send for my reply.. So not sure if it was sent or not.
Messaging is of minor importance to me, but the trouble is that now its there, I need to be able to reply when people message me.. Alas, there are lots of people who never post, but have questions - I get loads of emails from TW members or viewers who for whatever reason are inhibited from posting to the forums - I usually try to encourage them to post their question publicly, as I feel the effort I expend on answering is more worthwhile if shared.. But I now fear that messaging will increase the load of this personal service.
I think it might be quite nice to have a messaging opt-out, so that FredM does not appear in the list - I publish my email in my avatar, and much prefer email communication as it allows attachments etc - So it may be easier just to remove me from the list if this is possible and fixing the problem for users of old browsers or OS is a big deal... I suppose messaging might occasionally be useful - and I could always just reply saying "Send me an email" ;-) LOL.
Best regards,