Articles / Miscellaneous

Today is the LAST DAY for EM2k5 early registration!

Attention procrastinators! Today is the last day to fax in your registration for Ethermusic 2005 if you want to pay the early registration price.

After June 30th (today!), the price for a 4 day pass jumps from $375 to $475, and the price for a single day pass jumps from $135 to $155. Also, master classes with Lydia Kavina go from $65 to $85, and private 1/2 hour lessons with Ms. Kavina go from $35 to $45.

Update - The special room rate of $139/night at the Doubletree Hotel will expire on July 5th. So if you haven't booked your room yet, you might want to jump on this deal while you still can.