BBC Podcasts: Witness the Theremin
The BBC podcast Witness has a 5 minute story today about the theremin! The podcast features interviews with Dr. Albert...

The History of Caramoor and the Rosen House
Here's a short video documentary about Caramoor, home to one of Leon Theremin's biggest benefactor...

Remembering Leon Theremin
It's hard to believe, but today is the 18th anniversary of Professor Leon Theremin's passing.As you'...

New Play About Leon Theremin to Open at First Light 2011 Festival in New York
A new play about the exploits of Leon Theremin during the depression-era is set to open this month a...

Today In Rock History: 'Good Vibrations' Enters The Charts
On this day in 1966, Good Vibrations entered the charts at number 80. Check out this brief history ...

Sonic Wave Theremin For Sale on eBay
Led Zeppelin fans may recall Jimmy Page wailing away on one of these back in the day. The pitch-onl...

ThereminFamily.org Posts Rare Videos to YouTube
Two rare videos of Leon Theremin and his daughter Natalia Theremin Kavan have been posted to YouTube...

Remembering Bob Moog
Today marks 5 years since Dr. Robert Moog left this Earth. While his passing was truly a sad moment...
Mix Online Presents an Introduction to the Theremin
In her column, Gear Stories, Sylvia Massy presents a good overview of the history behind the theremi...
BBC Radio 4 play about Leon Theremin
TheBBC's Radio 4 recently broadcast a short radio play about Leon Theremin bugging the London embass...