Remembering Leon Theremin 20 Years Later
Today marks the 20th anniversary of Leon Theremin's passing. The great man who brought us the instrument we know and l...

Carolina Talks Theremin
World Thereminization, and your search for answers to your playing questions, has gotten a boost from thereminist Carolina Ey...

Announcing the 2012 Therelympics!
I love the Olympics. I love the competition, the patriotism, the sportsmanship, and the music. Last night, as I ...

Celebrate Bob And Help Spread World Theremization
In celebration of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday, Moog Music, Inc. will donate 50% of all online clothing and merchandise sa...

Giant Theremin in Melbourne
As part of Music Week in Melbourne, Australia, artist Robin Fox has built a very large theremin that...

NPR - Theremin Hearts
The NPR program Hearts of Space will be dedicated to the theremin next week in a show titled 'ETHER...

Moscow - Theremin Culture Festival
The first festival of contemporary theremin culture "Termenologiya-2011" was held on August 26th an...

Leon Started It - And It Keeps On Going!
Today, August 15th, is Lev Termen's birthday, he was known as Leon Theremin in the U.S. Invented ar...

Get Your Theremin On With Hands OFF!
Hands OFF! 2011 kicks off this Thursday, July 28th for an intensive weekend of discussions, workshop...

St. Petersburg Theremin Festival
Thereminsts will gather and perform in the home town of Lev Termen, aka Leon Theremin, for the St. Petersburg Theremin Festival (info. on Sergei Teterin's blog: roughly translated link , original Russian: ?????? ??????? ????. ) at the legendary club...