5 Theremin-Like Apps for Windows Phones
We've covered theremin apps for iPhone/iPad and Android in the past, so a round-up of apps for Windows Phone devices is ...

Giant Theremin in Melbourne
As part of Music Week in Melbourne, Australia, artist Robin Fox has built a very large theremin that...

Utamin Introduces Kids to Space Control
Here's something for your holiday shopping list, especially if you have kids to shop for (or if you ...

Meet the Dodecaudion
DODECAUDION from panGenerator on Vimeo.What looks like a classic shape-sorting toy, consists of mult...

Playable Doodles - Pencil Theremin
Inspired by the theremin, Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum at the MIT Media Lab have created a small so...

Scotland, Steam, Theremin
photo: Stuart Crawford www.stuartcrawfordphoto.com The theremin is finding receptive audiences and...

You Could Be Replaced By A Machine
Here is a video and write up of a charming little robot playing the theremin built by robotics rese...

Dubstep Space Control
Taking the basic principles of the theremin: volume hand and pitch hand, Ryan Challinor has created...

IR MIDI Device Lets You Control Your Synth Like A Theremin
Here's a fun little toy if you're looking for a theremin-like way to control your synth via MIDI. T...

Meet The Radiopool Thereglyph
Circuit-bending pioneer Reed Ghazala has created a new instrument dubbed the Radiopool Thereglyph. ...