Articles / World Thereminization

Jon Stewart Hates Theremins?

Last night on The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took a quick jab at theremins, apparently being the instrument of "hipsters" who don't watch TV.  Watch the clip above - the poke is at about 1:30 into the video.

Now, before you get all concerned that Stewart hates theremins or thereminists or theremin music... recall this isn't his first theremin reference on the show.  In fact, he even showed a schematic and played air theremin a couple of years ago.  On top of that, on the original Jon Stewart Show, he once featured a solo thereminist as a musical guest during a commercial break.

No, Jon doesn't hate theremins.  But he recognizes them as an opportunity to make a joke. My question to you is, what should we do to truly educate him about theremins?