Articles / Inspiration

Help This Teacher In New Jersey Raise Money For A Classroom Theremin

Sound Waves of Exploration; Theremin in the Classroom

Recently, your donations to a teacher in the Bronx helped him procure a theremin for his classroom, where his students used it to study music, sound, and science.  Now, another teacher in New Jersey is hoping to reach out to her children in a similar way.  I'm hoping we can rally support to help fund this new request too so that even more children can get a first class introduction to the theremin at an early age.

In her request on, Sound Waves of Exploration; Theremin in the Classroom, Ms. Bullen writes:

My aim is to prepare students for an ever changing world in the arts and an effective way to touch their lives is to provide relevant, current examples of that art. Electronic music is prevalent in our culture and will usher in the next wave of musical composition. With this instrument, students who do not benefit from conventional (band/orchestra) musical performance ensembles may gain a voice. Students who are physically unable to hold an instrument may enjoy the same connection to a theremin as others may have to a conventional instrument by having pitch and timbre changed through physical proximity. Students who are advanced in their musical studies may enjoy a different experience with the theremin.

raise a total of $923.60 total, and she currently has 20 days left to raise the remaining $759.  If you're able to donate even $10, you can help make her project a reality, and her students will be grateful.