Photo S.J.Sherman
[reposting Saturday, Feburary 26, 2011]
Lydia Kavina will be featured in a celebration of Clara Rockmore's centeniary on March 18th at a gallery here in New York. Since the U. S. Embassy would not grant her a visa, Lydia is now scheduled to appear on video and via live web link from Oxford, England. Players from Russia and the United States are also scheduled to appear both live and virtually, and some members of Clara's family may be there as well. The event will include theremin performances, discussions of Clara's technique and legacy and Russian tea.
The event is at 6:00 pm in the Frants Gallery Space in New York City 81 Wooster Street, 4th Floor.
Hope to see you there!
[Updated 20110308]
ThereminWorld has been assured this event is definitely happening! Confirmations are trickling in and we've heard for sure that Dorit Chrysler is performing. Dalit Warsaw, Olivia Mattis, Albert Glinsky, Vladimir Kitlyar and Sergey Teterin (St. Petersburg, Russia) are expected as are Bob Sherman and several other members of Clara's family! And there will be a short film about Clara Rockmore too.
This is going to be awesome, hope to see some other TW folk there. Please say "hi", I'll be wearing black...