Articles / Events

Thereminists Race Away From Cambridge to Raise Money for Charity

Charlie and Esther

Thereminist Charlie Draper ( and his team-mate Esther are in a race against time and money!  The dynamic duo has teamed up to compete in RAG Jailbreak.  The annual event involves 2 parts: 1) raising money, and 2) getting as far away from Cambridge as you can using no cash.

Charlie and Estherhope to raise as much money as possible for charities prior to January 27th, and secondly - in the 36 hours following 9am on the 27th January - to make it as far from Cambridge, UK as possible using only their wits.

All donations received up until the 27th will be going directly to the 5 local and 5 international charities RAG is supporting this year - Alzheimer's Research UK, the British Red Cross, Medicins Sans Frontieres, UNICEF, WaterAid, Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre, the Food Cycle Foundation, Haven House Children's Hospice, Jimmy's Night Shelter, and Winter Comfort for the Homeless.

On the day itself, they'll be be busking in an effort to raise enough money to escape the country - raising as much awareness as we can for the charities above!

Donations of more than 10GBP willl receive a LIMITED-EDITION PROMOTIONAL CD entitled 'BEYOND THE ETHER' - featuring a compilation of never-before-heard theremin recordings!

You can help out in 3 ways:

Firstly, donate directly to the charities involved in their project using the PayPal link at Donations of 10GBP or more will get the CD launched on January 27th.

Secondly, offer supplies, equipment or other assistance on the 27th, in exchange for whatever they care to name (promotion of their company springs to mind).

Thirdly, spread the word about the project to other individuals who might like to help out.