Guide to Buying a Theremin
Here at Theremin World, readers often ask "which theremin should I buy?" We've created this handy guide to help you make your decision. When deciding which theremin to purchase, here are some important considerations. Budget Hands down, the first question...

Sewer Pipe Theremin
This article was contributed by Dana Abbott After catching a glimpse and hearing a Theremin on youtube.com, I was hooked. The sound is a like nothing I had ever heard before. I recommend that anyone interested in building/playing one to research and...

PAiA Theremax in a LEGO Case
We love non-traditional theremin cabinets, and Mike Chappell's recent project certainly falls into t...
Time lapse video of Theremax Theremin construction
Here's a fun time lapse video by MySpace user cabinneighbors building a PAiA Theremax theremin. I'm...
It's like hearing a new word for the first time and then suddenly it appears everywhere... Just a d...
Blog: ThereMacs?
Blogger Bryan at Stranger Than Beauty shows off his newly build Theremax in a custom box (I love it ...
John Simonton, father of PAiA and DIY synths, has passed away
I just read this on Music Thing. Apparently, John Simonton, the founder of PAiA Electronics (makers...