Happy Birthday Barbara Buchholz
Today would have been Barbara Buchholz's birthday. Sadly she passed away last year. Barbara was an amazing musician with a diverse repertoire. Not only was she an excellent Thereminist, but she also brought a unique visual aspect to her...

Remembering Barbara Buchholz
Today would have been Barbara Buchholz's birthday. Please remember her today while you're practicing. For those of you...
Sad news: Barbara Buchholz passed away
I am very sorry to bring you the very sad news: Tonight our dear friend Barbara Buchholz passed away. Most of us kne...

Weekly Thereminspiration
Sometimes even thereminists, like all musicians, can get into a rut. When you've found yourself pla...

Hands Off 2011 Registration Now Open
Registration for this year's Hands Off 2011 festival is now open! The event will take place from Ju...

Learn Theremin From a Master By the Beach!
What better way to spend your summer vacation than personal lessons from a theremin master in a luxu...
Barbara Buchholz to hold Theremin Workshops
Imagine learning to play theremin from a true master in a beautiful setting such as the Mediterranea...
2 new additions to our music shop
Just in time for the holidays, we've added 2 new essential listening albums to our music shop:Spellb...
New Barbara Buchholz CD: moonstruck
More Theremin CDs Please!Not a bad week for new stuff after all.Barbara Buchholz announced her new...

Learn from Barbara Buchholz in Mallorca, Spain
Here's a rare and wonderful opportunity to attend a workshop with Theremin virtuoso Barbara Buchholz...